Man should not dispute or assert but whisper results to his neighbour. -John Keats
On March 2, 2025, a robotic lander touched down at its new home in the Mare Crisium impact basin on earth's moon, performing the first fully successful commercial lunar landing. Five prayers appearing in I Am Sophia (see pages 217-218) were included in a digital repository of images flown on the mission by the nonprofit LunARC in partnership with LifeShip.
This is believed to be the first collection of original prayers successfully landed and permanently archived on a celestial body.
What if the widely accepted interpretation of this sacred story is incomplete?
For philosophical theologian William Greenway, only reasonable faith rooted in agape can save the world.
An overeagerness to ascribe personhood to machines may pose a greater risk than any robot uprising.
Join me for the Theological Expeditions seminar at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in San Jose, California. Our explorations draw from a variety of sources reflecting insights both ancient and modern. -JFA
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